
We are a communications consultancy focused on strategy and language.


The HQ has advised companies globally on marketing, human resources, and management targets.

Some of our Services.

  • Thorough analysis of existing market and industry conditions enable us to align strategy planning toward a clear and concise brand message.

  • Stay in your lane. There are many options to express your services, but be sure to ask the right questions to answer all of the emerging changes in your market. Don’t get caught off-guard…

  • You need complete contextual understanding and clarity about what you want to say to have impact.

    There are no shortcuts. Find an authentic tenor and use the tools you have to keep your audience engaged.

  • Language continuously evolves. In order to not offend or confuse your audience, develop company-wide language standards that are pertinent. The boundaries of language are blurred at times, ensure that your people get the point across.


Case studies.

  • After several years of targeted English courses at Miele (Italia), the company agreed to sponsor an event – Aperitivi with Stevie – to bring businesspeople, in Alto Adige, together that use English in their jobs. Alto Adige has many companies that do business globally and English is the global business language.

    The challenge

    We needed to create a forum, initially for the workers at Miele, but believed that it was a good idea to have employees from our other global clients to come together and discuss communication issues they were confronting.

    The solution

    Aperitivi with Stevie is a targeted event that facilitates interaction between workers that have similar English needs. The events were held at the Miele Experience Center in Bolzano. The results were beneficial to our attendees, having found comfort in their shared experiences. These events enabled them to enhance the quality of their business communication.

  • While consulting with a large wine producer, the opportunity arose to review and revise the presentation standards for the US sales manager.

    The challenge

    This wine producer was an early advocate of biodiversity. Our role was to ensure that the language around biodiversity in the wine industry was easy to understand for a global audience.

    The solution

    With specific insight into American market sensibilities, the HQ was ideally positioned to provide very timely and specific language recommendations regarding biodiversity in wine production and marketing.

  • One on one interaction with the Head of Planning, Control and Services for Hydro Dolomiti Energia.

    The challenge

    Finding language for a monthly financial presentation that suits all of the group partners. The common language is English. The content is the financial data of the hydro electric plants in the region.

    The solution

    We reviewed the data and the language in several previous presentations and collaborated and created a level of communication that comfortable and clear for the presenter and the partners. We kept in mind the fact that not everyone hears and comprehends at the same rate and took into consideration some of the recurring questions from the participants.

  • Development of micro tutorials for an ESG data and technology company. Services provided; Dramaturgical concept and structure, script development, character development, and production. 

    The challenge

    SDiD needed a media message to convey their continuous and global approach to financial sustainability data evaluation while making a complex subject accessible.

    The solution

    Enter Dino (Steve’s alter-ego), a transplanted New Jersey native with an investment-jones and lots of family connections. By juxtaposing (SDiD CEO) Erik’s mild-mannered and congenial ways of explaining things with the vernacular and mannerisms of Dino, we created a canvas for exploring the similarities between big-business and small-time operations in the realm of sustainability.

    In other words: Get with the program.


The HQ was founded by Steve Proctor in 2016.

Steve’s knack for message crafting stems from his extensive experience in photography production. Early in his career, he was deeply involved in the creation of some of the most iconic photography of the golden age of hip-hop, with artists such as Tupac, Notorious BIG, NAS, Mary J. Blige, Snoop Dogg, and Eminem, to name a few.

He comes from a long line of human rights activists and engaged people with civic discourse and debate at its foundation. His insistence on collaborative iteration, an open exchange of ideas, and strategy inform the HQ’s working methodology. Check out theLegalPad for examples of rhetorical analyses laying out the tools of the trade.


Clients we’ve had the chance to work with.


Let’s talk…